What We Do

Our primary activity is the short term house build in Vicente Guerrero, Baja, Mexico. We partner with 4 local churches in Southern California to send a team for a week to build homes for needy families.

Prior to the pandemic, we were taking a build group of 70 volunteers to build four buildings. A simple VBS program prompted us to ask the local pastors about their needs and that has led to quarterly pastor training/teaching conferences.

These conferences are well attended (~ 50) and now draw pastors from San Quintin (about 30 minutes south of Vicente Guerrero. In 2019 we attempted our first medical missions component that was received extremely well. We provided basic medical screening and vision care to over 600 people.

With the assistance of several pastors and lay leaders we provide biblical theology, expository preaching, church governance and congregational shepherding training to local lay pastors in Vicente Guerrero. Most of these pastors have no formal bible or pastoral training so we are delighteded to be a resource for these faithful men who lead one of the 88 house churches in the town.


Baja Home Building Mission

Consider joining and supporting our build team.

Soul to Sole Baja 2021

Delivery of Christmas gifts and quarterly for local lay pastors.